Cultural Interventions in Modern World - Justified or just a Moral Compulsion

'Culture' is something I've decided to write about in this post. The question of 'culture' has always intrigued me to no end. Especially, when you attend Cultural Fests or other such events which deem to propagate the 'culture'. Is it something static that has remained the same over the years, decades or centuries that you intend to propagate? Or, is it something dynamic that changes in response to the changing times, influence of other cultures, technology, or myriad other factors that affect daily lives?

Do we think we can expect people to move about their daily lives in strange looking head-dresses, gowns, painted faces, garish costumes etc.? Do we expect people in such ensembles to work in say, computer labs, banks, schools, universities, companies, etc.? Do we expect our children to dress, behave, speak, dance, and, sing in the same way? If the answer to any of these questions is 'NO' then how can we expect to 'propagate' the culture we are talking about?

While we do agree that culture is something we inherited and are expected to pass it down the line; how can one be sure that the culture we have actually passed down is the same as the one we inherited; or if the culture that we have passed down is the same as the culture that other individuals who were exposed to the same cultural stimuli have done...Do we as individuals have the right or the responsibility to ensure we do not tamper (enhance or deface) the culture that we inherit?

Such being the case, how about billions and trillions of dollars that Governments are spending on this cause? Do we thing such money can be spent on better causes ( more imperative like hunger, potable water, disease, education, etc.) than on something we know to be ephemeral?

Looking forward to your comments and responses...  


  1. Fantastically said 👌👌
    We need to carry forward the Essence of the culture... The ensembles might not be practical to carry forward...
    However, money needs to be spent to remind us of the set standards so that deviation from the original culture is minimal... Just a thought..
    Keep it up... Would love to read your thoughts more often..

  2. Excellent words and thought provoking concept !


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